Taking Short Cuts

Okay, so this one is obvious. I still do it sometimes and it never works out. You probably know the saying "If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself." I think it should be more along the lines of "If you want something done right, don't take shortcuts."

Here's my prime example of why it doesn't pay to do it. I had to read a book for a school course, and then take an exam. I read the book but some paragraphs I had skimmed over. When it came time to take my exam I thought it was going to be easy. 

Even though I got 94%, I could have got 100%. When my exam was reviewed I got one question wrong. I was like okay I'm confused as to why it wasn't right. When they quoted the page in the book I went back and read it again. Quite literally, the answer was right there in front of me. It was the one chapter I had skimmed past most of the paragraphs. The moral to my story was I shouldn't have tried to rush it. I had just found it so boring to read. Yet, the crucial answer was right there in plain sight.

Sometimes we are in a rush, and Lord knows we are not perfect. Obviously, we do make mistakes, but in my case, it should have been avoided. I read a lot of different things. I have always enjoyed reading, but because I was arrogant I missed the point being made. It made me think, I wondered how many other people have tried to rush something?

I see people everyday rushing around life. We all need to just make sure we don't take shortcuts in the process. I enjoy baking too and wouldn't dare take a pie out of the oven early. It just wouldn't work in the end. I'm not saying something's can't be temporarily fixed, just be sure it's only temporary. Make sure you take the time to go back and do it right.

I want to know how many times people have tried a shortcut that didn't work.

