
           Canada Lynx Image By kdee64 (Keith Williams) - Flickr, CC BY 2.0,

I am sure not many people are a fan of winter. For me, we have a love-hate relationship. Currently, it's leaning more to the hate end of things. I didn't honestly think it was going to hit so fast this year. I live right in a snow belt, so, of course, every year I get a lot of snow. However, it doesn't usually stay on the ground until closer to December.

I can honestly say though that on the love side of things, it is an inspiration. During winter most of us just want to stay inside. This is a bonus for a writer I find. I really do have a reason to stay inside, it's cold. Okay, well most of the time anyway. I do have other responsibilities sometimes. Like getting wood for the day to keep the fire going. When my fiance is home, he does the shovelling so I don't have to. It is nice that my parents live close and have a plow truck as well. The weather actually gives me a lot of inspiration and can set the tone for writing all day.

I like that I can sit inside with the fire going and a hot drink beside me.  My go-to drink lately has been either hot chocolate or apple cinnamon tea. I will still drink my coffee, but I actually prefer that in the summer as opposed to winter. I find that we all have different routines in summer as opposed to winter. It is almost as if we are inserted into a whole different world. Besides, it gets dark before six pm. Personally, I prefer the beginning of fall. 

I was born in October, making me a fall baby. I have always loved it. Living in Canada, the trees change colour and it is a lovely sight. I like that we still have warm enough weather to go outside and do "summer" things during the day. At night we usually come inside and wind down as it cools off. I could live with it being Fall all year. I understand that for the circle of life it can't be that way. 

It is interesting to see the different life forms taken in winter as opposed to summer. During the winter months, everything goes into hibernation mode. Some birds stay, others fly to warmer climates. Bears take to their dens and sleep it away, yet a Canadian Lynx thrives. 

If you find yourself suffering from winter blues, take the time to do other things you might overlook. I know it can be hard, especially if you like the sun. I personally am a night owl, so the dark doesn't bother me. We live in more modern times with electricity, so when it gets dark, find yourself something you enjoy indoors. Every person is programmed differently, so it may take some time to find something. There is a lot of resources online for tips on fighting the winter blues.

My relationship with winter reminds me of my cats who are twins. They have a love-hate relationship somedays too. One minute they are cuddling, next they are fighting. I'm still going to take the time to enjoy winter, even if we have a love-hate relationship. 

What do you love or hate about winter?
